
This blog aims to puts together the all the different resource and info there is to prepare for Emergencies in Japan and especially the Tokyo area. The Topics covered include information on survival kits, the latest Emergency Equipment, Academic forecast data on predicted disasters, plus Emergency Events and Museums in Japan.

Friday 3 February 2012

Earthquake Technology Expo Yokohama Feb 2012

Here are some of the highlights of interesting developments in the Japanese Emergency Equipment world on display at the Earthquake Technology Expo Feb 2012 www.exhibitiontech.com/etec

Starting with the most extreme here is the Capsule NOAH a waterproof capsule for couple to survive in during a Tsunami see http://newcosmopower.com/menu2.html 

Then there is 'Wood Luck' a hard wood frame bed area to ensure occupants are not crushed should the house collapse:

One of the ideas I liked most was this simple corner elevator seat which converts into a toilet and store emergency goods as it is predicted in the next Big Tokyo earthquake 1500 people could end up trapped in old Elevators for up to 8hours...

Another interesting item which is unique to Japan is their PHS communication system - this system frequency was origianally used by the Japanese for their mobiles but has now been left mostly empty.  So therefore offers an alternate option for emergency communication with phones being sold on a pay as you go 3year system  see http://phs.rescueplus.jp/

The cutie award goes to this Kids Emergency bag which is shaped like a catfish: www.namazun.com
An interesting idea - although I am not sure how practicle is that of the Emergency towel which provides you with information on how to make an emergency kit etc: http://www.bousainugui.com/

There was also lots of Emergency food sellers and life Jacket sellers there:
I am hope the reason they have arrows in the Rubber dingy in the background is to prove its toughness rather than imply you might get shot at while evacuating...

 Then of course the fireservice where showing off their bits: